
  • General
  • Inspection Booking
  • Quality Control Inspection
  • Audit Service
  • Sourcing



• As an Inspection Service provider, our fees are based on our standard Pricing and are only applicable when our assistance is required. Once our services are no longer needed, there is no further obligation to make any payments.


• While we have recently introduced Sourcing Services with a dedicated team, it’s important to note that we primarily operate as a pure service provider and generate revenue solely from our services.


• Detailed information regarding the pricing standards for both quality-related and sourcing-related work can be found on our Pricing page.

At IQMS, our primary focus is to deliver reliable inspection services and support our clients’ needs without any intermediary role in the process.

For clients who opt for pre-payment, our team will promptly send the invoice as soon as the quotation is confirmed.


For clients with monthly payment terms, you can expect to receive invoices from our team on a monthly basis.

We offer the convenience of online payment through credit card transactions. Additionally, we provide payment terms of 30 days for eligible clients.


If you wish to utilize the 30-day payment credit terms, kindly allocate a minimum of 5 working days for us to set up your account accordingly.


For further details and inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


When making payments to IQMS, you have the following payment methods available:


• Telegraphic Transfer (T/T): We require full payment to be made through T/T without any intermediary fees.


• MoneyGram and Western Union.


We strive to provide convenient and reliable payment options for our clients. Please choose the method that best suits your needs, ensuring timely and complete payment to facilitate a seamless collaboration with IQMS.

No, we do not offer laboratory testing services.


• Testing falls outside the scope of our service offerings. However, we have established close partnerships with external laboratories that are certified and compliant in conducting tests.


• We do handle various reliability testing tasks for specific products, particularly in the realm of electronic products. Additionally, we conduct on-site tests such as drop tests, simple physical tests, and durability tests.


In summary, while IQMS does not offer comprehensive laboratory testing services, we maintain collaborations with certified external laboratories and have expertise in specific types of testing for certain products.

The service prices are determined on a per MD (man-day) basis, taking into account the negotiated rate with the client.

When it comes to Inspection services, it is advisable to make your booking as early as possible. By booking at least one weeks in advance. As a general guideline, we recommend placing your booking at least 48 hours prior to the desired service date.


When it comes to Audit services, there is an approximate turnaround time of 30 calendar days from the booking to the execution of the service. For example, if you need a Social Audit on April 15th, it is recommended to place the booking on April 1st. You can have peace of mind knowing that our team will contact you once your order is confirmed.

If you cancel your booking before the cut-off time (which is before 12.00 PM local time at the service location on the working day before the service date), you will receive a full reimbursement in either USD or LKR.


However, please note that exchange rate fluctuations between your booking date and the cancellation date, as well as any bank or credit card charges, may impact the refund amount in your local currency. This impact can be both positive and negative.


To clarify, if you cancel the services after 12:00 PM local time at the service location on the working day before the service date, the full amount for the booked services will be charged and no refund will be provided.

Once you confirm your order, you will receive a system notification email to acknowledge your booking. Additionally, our operations team will reach out to both you and the factory to ensure the booking details are double confirmed before the audit takes place.

It’s important to understand the role of a Quality Control (QC) provider. Our main responsibility is to evaluate and report findings, but we don’t have the authority to determine the acceptability of a production lot or directly resolve issues with manufacturers unless specific arrangements have been made.


As inspectors, our primary role is to conduct relevant AQL inspections according to established procedures and report our findings. If a supplier doesn’t take appropriate actions based on these findings, the recurring issues may persist.


However, at IQMS, we offer additional services such as QC consulting and production management that can help suppliers address production issues. If you would like more information on how we can support you in resolving these challenges, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our coordinator maintains constant communication with both your supplier and our inspection team to stay informed about your inspection schedule. In most cases, we are aware beforehand if there is a need to reschedule the inspection. However, there are instances where the supplier fails to communicate promptly. In such situations, unless you have given prior instructions, we will cancel the inspection. Please be aware that a partial inspection fee will be charged, and you have the right to recover this cost from your supplier.

Acceptable Quality Limit / Level (AQL) is a statistical sampling method used in product inspections to determine the maximum number of defective items that can be considered acceptable in a given batch or lot. It helps assess whether a production run meets the desired quality standards.


AQL is expressed as a three-digit code: AQL X-Y-Z. Here’s what each digit represents:


1. X: Represents the critical defect level, which refers to defects that pose a significant safety risk or make the product unusable. The lower the X value, the stricter the criteria for critical defects.


2. Y: Represents the major defect level, which refers to defects that significantly affect the product’s function, utility, or marketability. The lower the Y value, the stricter the criteria for major defects.


3. Z: Represents the minor defect level, which refers to defects that are not likely to affect the product’s function or performance but may still be noticeable. The lower the Z value, the stricter the criteria for minor defects.


For example, an AQL of 1.5-2.5-4.0 means that for a particular inspection, the acceptable quality level for critical defects is 1.5%, for major defects is 2.5%, and for minor defects is 4.0%.


The specific AQL values are determined based on factors such as the product’s intended use, industry standards, customer expectations, and risk assessment. Different industries and products may have varying AQL requirements. It’s important for organizations to establish appropriate AQL levels based on their specific needs and quality goals.


It’s worth noting that AQL is a sampling-based method and doesn’t guarantee 100% defect detection. It provides a statistical framework for assessing quality based on the inspection results from a sample of the product batch.

A rejection takes place when there is an evident non-conformity with the inspection plan, indicating a clear failure to meet the specified requirements. On the other hand, a “hold shipment” typically arises when the issue is subjective and falls within the scope of non-conformance as defined by the inspection plan.

Engaging in business activities in Asia can be a complex and costly endeavor if proper due diligence on a supplier is not conducted. The extent of required due diligence may vary based on your buyer’s specific requirements, your commitment to social compliance, and other business considerations.


To assist you in this process, IQMS offers a range of services including supplier evaluations and factory audits. These services encompass a spectrum of evaluations, from simple assessments to comprehensive technical and social compliance audits. Our knowledgeable staff at IQMS will collaborate with you to determine your precise requirements and develop a tailored solution that best aligns with your needs.

Certainly, we are capable of doing so. Receiving specific product details along with a target price is one of the most frequently received inquiries we currently receive.